As I speak with business owners around Sydney about the economy and listen to commentators from around the globe, I am left somewhat confused as to where the economy is RIGHT NOW.
- Real Estate agents are rubbing their hands with the upturn, we are having rental auctions here where rental properties are given to the highest bidder,
- business confidence surveys are showing the highest level of confidence for months and months,
- commodity prices are on the up,
- restaurants are doing a brisk trade,
- share markets are in BULL mode,
- Warren Buffet is back in the market
However I really do get the feeling that this is the eye of the storm. I am not too sure if these GREEN SHOOTS are really shoots and not the weeds that spring up after the tough economic winter!!
I am interested in your feedback / comments on the state of the economy from your perspective. Please circulate this around and let me know your thoughts….